for the coffee-loving science nerd in all of us.
made this as a Christmas present for my roommate! adapted from many sources on the internet, to work with stuff I already had on hand, left over from other projects.
<a href="http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/coffee_cozy">Felt idea</a>.
<a href="http://littlebirdiesecrets.blogspot.com/2008/10/cup-cozy-and-mmm-hot-chocolate.html">Pattern</a>.
<a href="http://coyotecraft.blogspot.com/2008/11/molecular.html">Embroidery Pattern</a>.
Elaine M. commented on Caffeine Coffee Cozy 21 Feb 13:12
Elaine M. favorited Caffeine Coffee Cozy 21 Feb 13:11
Bonnie P. favorited Caffeine Coffee Cozy 22 Jan 06:46
Bea M. favorited Caffeine Coffee Cozy 22 May 07:44
Jenee Nicole added Caffeine Coffee Cozy to Sewing 28 Apr 07:31
Tierra T. favorited Caffeine Coffee Cozy 10 Nov 18:10
Alex B. favorited Caffeine Coffee Cozy 13 Dec 18:50
nina.b added Caffeine Coffee Cozy to Will try 18 Oct 19:43
Gabrielle M. favorited Caffeine Coffee Cozy 16 Oct 14:52
Rachel's Craft Channel added Caffeine Coffee Cozy to Sherlock 29 Sep 19:59
You Will Need
Step 1
Download a pattern for the fabric part of the cozy.
Or, grab one of those cardboard sleeves at Starbucks (or your favourite coffee shop), and pull it apart for a pattern! :)
Step 2
Cut out 2 pieces of felt in the same shape as the pattern. I used two different colors of felt, dark and light brown.
Step 5
If you want, you can sew around the edges to make it look like it was actually hand-sewn! :)
Thank you for being brilliant.
p.s. I am flying so these will fit nicely in my carry-on bag
I added a link to this project on my blog for a round-up. I hope you don't mind!