My baby Groot :)
Baby Groot made with two parts epoxy putty, painted with bitumen and mineral solvent and embellished with plastic mini leaves.
- Key West Witch favorited My Baby Groot 26 Jun 10:08
- Rebecca C. favorited My Baby Groot 23 Aug 04:13
- asia.pearce added My Baby Groot to Models 01 Aug 23:18
- Rebecca M. favorited My Baby Groot 10 Jun 14:04
- Nancy! favorited My Baby Groot 31 Jul 00:50
- Summer O. favorited My Baby Groot 15 Jul 10:05
- freakharmonic favorited My Baby Groot 03 Jul 22:56
- Markee R. added My Baby Groot to Labyrinth Ball 22 Jun 13:24
- Faint D. added My Baby Groot to prop 02 Apr 10:49
- Faint D. favorited My Baby Groot 02 Apr 10:26
Step 1
Not really a tutorial, more like how i made it, sorry.
I used 2 parts epoxy putty, plastic mini leaves, pieces of wire, bitumen and mineral solvent, moss, mini vase, super glue.- For the base, I made a skinny and long cone, let it dry slightly and give it a little twist. Put a piece of wire to hold the little head. I made some marks on the trunk.
Step 2
- I made the little arms and put wire to fix. Used super glue too to secure in the position I wanted and started doing the vines with twisted rolls of dough.
- I did the face, with some shallow marks, cut the lips and pressed a pen to make the eyes. Then I made mini twisted cones and started to add through the head toward the edges. I mounted the head using the piece of wire and super glue.