• Posted by Gente de Massinha
Baby Groot made with two parts epoxy putty, painted with bitumen and mineral solvent and embellished with plastic mini leaves.
Baby Groot made with two parts epoxy putty, painted with bitumen and mineral solvent and embellished with plastic mini leaves.
Not really a tutorial, more like how i made it, sorry. I used 2 parts epoxy putty, plastic mini leaves, pieces of wire, bitumen and mineral solvent, moss, mini vase, super glue. - For the base, I made a skinny and long cone, let it dry slightly and give it a little twist. Put a piece of wire to hold the little head. I made some marks on the trunk.
- I made the little arms and put wire to fix. Used super glue too to secure in the position I wanted and started doing the vines with twisted rolls of dough. - I did the face, with some shallow marks, cut the lips and pressed a pen to make the eyes. Then I made mini twisted cones and started to add through the head toward the edges. I mounted the head using the piece of wire and super glue.
- Once dry, I painted the piece with wax bitumen diluted with mineral spirits and put sprigs of plastic glued here and there. Now, just put in a mini vase, giving the finish with dry moss. I hope you are capable of understand my english, please excuse the errors.