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Sweary 'in joke' cross stitch
Made for a friend to celebrate her PhD success and based on an in joke. This was the first cross stitch design drafted by myself, with a little help from border and font charts uploaded to Pinterest.

I had to buy the fabric (aida) and frame, but the silks were left over from a previous project. So while it wasn't cheap, it didn't break my limited budget.

Posted by Amy B. from Leicester, England, United Kingdom • Published See Amy B.'s 4 projects »
  • Step 1

    Choose a meaningful slogan.

    Using graph paper and font/border designs (look on Pinterest or in a cross stitch source book), chart your design. It might take a couple of goes to get the layout and spacing between the letters just right.

  • Step 2

    Find the centre point of your fabric by folding it in half and then half again. Choose your colour scheme. Start to work your design from the middle in cross stitch.

  • Step 3

    When you have finished stitching the design, rinse the fabric (gently wash it if grubby!) and allow to dry. Gently iron out any wrinkles and creases.

  • Step 4

    Select a frame for your work. Trim the fabric to fit. Remember to leave a good inch or two 'selvedge' around the edges.

  • Step 5

    Cut a piece of card to fit the frame and fold the fabric around it. To make your work extra secure, you can add some lacing stitches on the reverse, from top to bottom and side to side.

    Insert in the frame and fix the back board to finish!

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