recycled baby food jars.
made using recycled baby food jars
Alex Poser added Hk Waterglobe to Home Decor 10 Jan 21:54
Step 1
Place your HK figure on lid & place glass jar over it. If you can see the HK figure ok glue in place. If not add a little piece of plastic to boost it up. I used a old plastic shaker top from a glitter container. Use glue gun or silicone stuff (you buy to seal around sinks) to glue figure. I glued glitter to cover the plastic piece under the figure. Let dry! Add water glitter, a little mineral oil. Seal cover w glue gun or silicone. (I painted my jar cover with nail polish). RECYCLE BABY!!!

<3TwIsTeD rAiNbOw <3
Justin, Texas, US
3 projects

Thessaloniki, Makedonia Thraki, GR
35 projects
if you put a little glycerine in it, the glitter will flow slowwwly in the water! ;)

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
awww cute

Bedford, England, GB
20 projects
I LOVE Hello Kitty, and this rocks! Gonna make myself one ^_^

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
378 projects
Boy, this brought back memories! I remember making these when I was in grade school. This is a great craft for kids to make (with supervision) not only because it result in a fun and cool looking toy/decoration, but it builds confidence as it does not take a lot of skill to get great results. I remember thinking, gee, if I can make something this cool, what else can I make?