Hey! Come join the land of kandi Techno And all the above!
Im a spunky kid who dosen't stop at what she wants weather it be her new fluffies or Passsing major test(One things you should know about me: i like talking in third person)I live in the beautful state of texas!(I am not a horse ridin girl at all stereotypes -_-)I spend most of my time listening to music skyping and Dancing the night away With my buds Giggletits and Twinkledash. You can usally find this head full of purple locks in a club. I haveee many personalities I can be the shy quite person or the loud crazy person. I loveee crafting. Sewing, drawing, painting, nail designs, and hairstyles happen to be one of the most things i do but lately i haven't been able to post videos or tutorials lately becuse my computer sucks and my Camcorder is broken But as soon as i get it fixed I'll start making tutorials agian!
Im a spunky kid who dosen't stop at what she wants weather it be her new fluffies or Passsing major test(One things you should know about me: i like talking in third person)I live in the beautful state of texas!(I am not a horse ridin girl at all stereotypes -_-)I spend most of my time listening to music skyping and Dancing the night away With my buds Giggletits and Twinkledash. You can usally find this head full of purple locks in a club. I haveee many personalities I can be the shy quite person or the loud crazy person. I loveee crafting. Sewing, drawing, painting, nail designs, and hairstyles happen to be one of the most things i do but lately i haven't been able to post videos or tutorials lately becuse my computer sucks and my Camcorder is broken But as soon as i get it fixed I'll start making tutorials agian!
Find <3TwIsTeD rAiNbOw <3 on
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- commented on Faux Plugs 24 Feb 19:18
- favorited Ouija Board Necklace 24 Feb 19:04
- favorited Recycled Denim Corset 24 Feb 18:31
- commented on Crafty Creatives 21 Dec 14:25
- commented on Crafty Creatives 21 Dec 14:23
- commented on Plugs Not Drugs T Shirt 23 Nov 19:03
- favorited Crazy Platform Shoes! 16 Sep 16:27
- commented on Crazy Platform Shoes! 16 Sep 16:22
- followed Boo_its_Brittany 16 Sep 16:16
- commented on her comment Could you please DIY Jayy von monroe or Dahvie vanity? to DIY The Look: Courtney Love 22 Aug 14:45
- commented on her comment *Brohoof* Lol I can't convince any of my guy friends to watch it Lol to My Little Pony Bleached Shirt 25 Jun 18:23
- followed gelatinthespacegiraffe 23 Jun 17:14
thanks for the nice comment on my enma ai necklace!