Handmade leather tote bag/ handbag
I made this leather tote bag recently, it spent me around a month to finish, starting from the bag pattern development and design, sourcing, all the stuff. I am happy with the result though there's room for improvement. Hope you enjoy my sharing and stay tune for more updates.
cheers// AG
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- Roxy R. favorited Handmade Leather Tote Bag/ Handbag 20 Feb 00:23
- AG entered her project Handmade Leather Tote Bag/ Handbag to Secret Santa 13 Jan 11:13
- AG favorited her project Handmade Leather Tote Bag/ Handbag 12 Jan 05:57
- AG published her project Handmade Leather Tote Bag/ Handbag 12 Jan 04:28
You Will Need
Step 1
First of all, cut out 2 piece of rectangular leather as bag body.
1 rectangular piece for bottom. 2 pieces for handle, 4 pieces white leather for side trim. and 4 buckle connection trim, with one strip and one tape for opening.https://bladeofthoughts.wordpress.com/2016/01/10/handmadeleathertotebag/