When browsing the internet, I came across a picture with some guy smashing his guitar.
I figured it could look cool on a shirt, so I made one!
I used textile markers for the print, very easy.
I bought a grey tanktop for this, but I recommend a white one.
Now I had to cut out the silhouette from the paper and draw over it to the shirt, but with a white shirt you could just lay it down under the shirt, that's easier. (I'm not good at explaining.. Sorry).
I hope you like it!
If you decide to make a version, please let me know and post it! :D
- Abnormal Abby added Guitar Smash T Shirt/Tanktop to Diy 11 Jun 17:36
Taylor S. favorited Guitar Smash T Shirt/Tanktop 20 Feb 06:10
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MardyBum posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I love it. =D