Based on Guitar Smash T Shirt/Tanktop by MardyBum
I am horrible with paint, so instead I used sharpies. I've washed the shirt several times, and it still hasn't come off. People often ask me where I bought it!
I googled the image and printed it. I put it under the shirt with some light to trace it. After, I filled in the inside with sharpies and the rest is history.
I also spray-painted it a little bit, seeing as it was an old shirt, and had a stain on the shoulder. :)
Desert_Rose entered her project Guitar Smash T Shirt/Tanktop to Pogo Connect 06 May 14:12
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Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Yeah, we used sharpies on our bags and shirts when we were younger and it took about..hm...5 years? to wash out, and there are still traces left.