NomNomNomNom! Easy to cook, fantastic to eat. Meat free n'all you know?
So a a bit ago I decided to become veggie, And because my Gran cooks ALOT of vegatarian foods she showed some recipes, And this Chilli is my fave .. even i can cook it, and i bearly know what a hob is!
Susi S. added Grandma's Easy To Cook Vegatarian Chili ! to Chiliqueens 30 Sep 18:57
Step 1
No photo's sorry, I can't multi-task! So first you dice your onions, chop your peppers and mushrooms
Step 2
Then fry the mushroom, peppers, and onion
Step 3
Put the vegatable stock cube, fried mushrooms peppers and onions in a pan.
Step 4
Add quorn mince to the pan
Step 5
Put the beans (kidney and/or baked) the tinned tomatoes, the sweetcorn and the chilli mix in the pan also.
Step 6
Bring the chilli to a boil, then turn down the heat.
Step 7
Cook the chilli for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then tadaaaaaa instant chilli , perfect for bonfire night. ;D