Creativity has got to start with humanity and when you're a human being, you feel, you suffer.
This is a little project I've made recently... I really liked those chaplet bracelets that some religious people wear, but since I'm atheist, I've decided to make one myself, but with different icons! xoxo, Zombie Darling
- Tessanne B. favorited Feminism Bracelet (Chaplet) 28 Jun 20:23
- Zombie D. entered her project Feminism Bracelet (Chaplet) to Beads Unlimited Contest 26 Nov 14:13
mayby years later when i don't like the kitschy pictures no more i will make your project and send an version. I promise.;-D
like your idea, sooo cool too.;-D
And Anne Frank as a role model? Rather fascinating, if not heavily disturbing.