Based on Feminism Bracelet (Chaplet) by Zombie D.
This was super easy to make, took me a while to find a thickness of rectangle that worked but after that it was fine! Me and my sister both made the same one as a kind of friendship bracelet thing, so it was fun to spend time with her making it as well! (The colours look a bit dull on the picture but i used a fuschia colour for the picture beads and an aqua-turquoise for the smaller beads)
Lia H. favorited Feminism Bracelet (Chaplet) 30 Jul 00:56
You Will Need
Little L. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
(he hoe gaat ie meis, erg druk? vind het een super cool gaaf vet project, xxxxx)