Felt Voo Doo Doll
I drew this voo doo guy free hand on the side of the felt I would put on the inside (or wrong side). I cut out two of "him" and stitched his face and heart on the front piece, then connected the two pieces together with a blanket stitch around the edge.
I stuffed him with polyfill and voila! Adorned with a few pearl-headed pins and he's ready to do some "damage." He's about 5" tall.
He went to a friend of mine who hates her job, so I figured this might give her a little outlet when times are tough!
I welcome comments.
You Will Need
Michelle Ames posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Alias Dani
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
20 projects
haha...that's cute! you could so make this into a pin cushion...

awwwww poor guy...he looks like he's saying "woe is me!!!"

Nessa Bee
I used to make felt Voodoo Dolls! Yours is awesome. loved the pearlized pin as well.

Michelle Ames
Hilton, New York, US
17 projects
I"m glad they liked them!

4 projects
my daughters both liked the dolls i made them as 'anti-valentine's day' gifts!

Atlanta, Georgia, US
5 projects
Nice! lol, it's awesome.

7 projects
rofl I Love it

4 projects
too cute! i am making one of these for each of my daughters!

Blackpool, England, GB
2 projects
XD That's cool, stress-relief.