Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space!
This is a Christmas gift for a friend. (I got started early! That's one gift down, quite a few more to go...) It's entirely handsewn, which also explains the wonky sizes of the lettering for the signs.
(I made the entire thing watching Season 3 of Leverage. I had to stop in the middle of it to make a birthday gift, but finished it with the season finale of Leverage.
It came out a bit fatter than expected, but it's cute, and cuddly, and I kind of want to keep it for myself. I can live with that.
I honestly have NO IDEA how much time this project will take. Machine sewing vs. handsewing will definitely make a difference in length of time.
(I apologize - my directions aren't entirely clear cut. I kind of made a really basic pattern and played it by ear. I should also warn that I've never made a plush before this.)
- tardis_plush.pdf 14.5 KB [ Download ]
Spanky H. favorited (Fat) Tardis Plush 17 Nov 23:42
Step 1
Print out the pattern. (It should fit on three 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper.) Trace part (A) on your fabric of choice (I used felt for the whole plush). Cut around your lines, leaving approximately 1/5 of an inch. (Your lines will be your seams.) Do this four times.
Step 2
Part (C) only needs to be traced once. Again, leave approximately 1/5 of an inch around your lines.
Step 3
Part (B) (x4) will sit on top of part (A) on all four sides - one on each side. For this piece, cut directly on the lines. Cut out the 8 squares to make windows. These are pretty much decorative pieces.
Cut white pieces to form the top row windows, enough to cover the squares from under the pieces. Sew to Part (B).
Cut 4 black rectangles (eyeball it) to make the "Police Public Call Box" signs. Sew it above the top windows.
Step 4
OPTIONAL: Add lettering. I feel compelled to mention I didn't use embroidery thread. Or any special type of thread.
Step 5
Sew each part (B) onto each side of part (A).
Step 6
Bottom of part (A) gets sewn to a side of part (C). Follow your drawn lines as seams. Do this for all four pieces.
Step 7
Sew up the sides of part (A) to start forming a rectangle. Leave one side of the triangle part of (A) unsewn. Turn inside out. Stuff with filling! (I used polyfill.)
Step 8
Sew the top closed with a slip stitch. Add more filling as needed until entire side is sewn shut.
Step 9
Take the last part (un-lettered) and trace 4 pieces. Cut approximately 1/5" outside/around the lines. Sew the sides together. Sew on top of triangle, stuffing as needed. Slip stitch last opening closed.
Step 10
Ta-dah! Done. (See pictures for reference. Flash makes it look...shinier? than it really is. Ask if anything's unclear. I'm pretty sure I might have missed some things here or there.)
Hug it. Cuddle it. Maybe love it.
Doctor Who=Love! ♥