Dropdead cute pin in emily strange-style <3
I decided to make my own Emily Strange Kitten-Plushie instead of wasting LOTS of money buying one. Well, the first crafty outcome was a cute pin, about 7 cm high...
PLEEEEEASE show me your versions <3 I'm always so curious about other people doing this stuff...
( Guess today is a "using the word stuff alot-day"... )
Rebecca C. favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 07 Sep 15:11
Conner W. added Emily Strange Kitten Pin to Things to try and make/ideas 14 Feb 01:07
Barbara M. favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 07 May 23:25
mmotse03 favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 14 Apr 11:07
Jessica A. favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 09 Oct 23:41
Abbey Acid favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 03 Jul 21:43
Misato M. favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 19 Jun 12:43
cristinakilljoyway favorited Emily Strange Kitten Pin 01 Jan 01:13
Step 1
Get your stuff. Besides the typical crafting stuff ( glue, scissors, pencil ), you need... darn, I dunno the english word... You know, these thin foam-like sheets, sumthin between paper and fabric .___. Uhm, well, you need that in black and white. Plus: Pink or red paper and a heart shaped stamping thing. Solid paper for the pattern AND a normal hole puncher AND one of these waterproof, smelly black pens. Puuh.
Step 3
Cut the body out of the foam stuff ( black ), the "skull" in white. We also need the chest-bones. Not so easy to cut because it's really small! Just do a shape like that:
( hope this works ;) )
Punch out 4 circles of white foamstuff for the pawns.
Plus, use the heart punching thing to get a pink or black paper heart. You can cut this by hand, too. Hehe, HF with that... I tried. I sucked. BIG TIME! ^____^ -
Step 4
Paint face with smelly pen! Juuuust take the original plushies to get the idea. I love that thing with the star-shaped eye, but I suck in drawing stars :P Punch a hole in the scull for the second eye. Be careful with that ^^
Glue stuff together. Shouldn't need a picture for that ^^
Glue heart under chestbonestuff!!!
great project.
Kann man bestimmt auch ganz gut aus Filz machen und mit Textilfarbe bemalen, das sieht mMn immer etwas hübscher aus als Moosgummi. Nur das Bemalen ist nervig xD