typical dutch tool trick of some scrape fabric to spare out yarn and keep the yarn throuh the needle.
I have learn this small tool trick from my mom, i have a old but very good sewing machine, mine machine set not the needle when i'm stopt with sewing in the right oposition. and that's the problem, When i'dont pay attention to that, i the yarn will got out the needle.=S
I'm using glasses so, its difficult to thread a needle again.LOL and i cost a lot of extra yarn without this, it helps too to check your stiches before you sew on the fabric of your project.
Its specially a smart tool when you must sew a lot in a short time.
An other smart thing of this is that you finished all the lose ends of yarn.
the ducht people are know ase very economical.LOL but in this bad encomic time, it can be a great handy smart and very easy to make tool.LOL And just for free.LOL
I hope you like it and has much profit of it too.;-)
- Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Don't Lose The Thread (Small Handy Sewing Tool) 25 Jul 05:11
- marilyn.steckly favorited Don't Lose The Thread (Small Handy Sewing Tool) 21 Apr 13:43
Step 5
And you are at the beginning of this project and go to the next sewing you must do.You have only repeat this steps over and over.;-)
I hope you have much profite of it, i still do. When i learned this from my mother, i disliked it , it was so typical dutch. but now i using this small scaps always when i must sewing a lot, (so thanks mom)
so i wich you the same profit of it too. and have fun with it.;-D