Detachable keys to customise any bag or pencil case
This pencil case features a velcro strip so any accessories can be attatched, detatched and rearranged to make it just how you want! what I want to show really though is that anything can be customised this way aslong as velcro can be attatched to it, whether it be rucksacks, notebooks or phone cover.
The possibilities aren't just reserved for laptop keys. you can try scrabble pieces too.
Rebecca C. favorited Detachable Laptop Keys Pencil Case 12 Aug 20:59
You Will Need
Step 1
Laptop keys aren’t hard to get hold of. Ask around computer repair shops; most keep hold of old laptops for spare parts or appropriate disposal. . Alternatively old chunky laptop keys are fairly commonplace at car boot sales.
The keys should pop right off, ensure the pieces are washed properly, keyboards are grubby little things.