corset style tutu dress
A dress that I decided I wanted to wear that night,
So I made it earlier that day.
Hope use like :)
Key West Witch favorited Corset Tutu Dress 07 Aug 21:57
crickIteer added Corset Tutu Dress to makeup stuffins 09 Oct 23:25
ms.mulisha favorited Corset Tutu Dress 13 Sep 01:01
crickIteer added Corset Tutu Dress to project ideas 18 Apr 10:33
PsychoticWeirdo favorited Corset Tutu Dress 30 Oct 00:35
alexandria.masters.5 favorited Corset Tutu Dress 06 Oct 14:08
Sandra C. added Corset Tutu Dress to vestits 18 May 14:32
nora.mcmanus added Corset Tutu Dress to to sew 01 May 05:02
infinity favorited Corset Tutu Dress 21 Apr 00:58
Kenny the kitty favorited Corset Tutu Dress 19 Apr 12:31
You Will Need
Jess posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Please make a tutorial!

Ashley W.
Renton, Washington, US
4 projects

Abbey Acid
Winters, California, US
10 projects
Please make a tutorial! I want to make a dress with a corset exactly like that!