haha shytt dude! that HELLAAA gay! lol
i dont think ive really been up to anything reaally...
I started school.
Keepin up with the bass i guess :]
my life is so terribly boring
i just back from holiday in hawaii a week ago and that was pretty neat. there were always sea turtles on the beach and that was really cool. now im just getting ready for school to start. what about you?
haha yeah he actually was kinda creepy. i really want a hoodie with the ears but im not able to go to hot topic and i cant seem to find it on the internet
haha yeah. ive got at kit backpack and everyone asks me about it when i go out to the shops or wherever. lol some old man said it looked scary! lol but yeah ive been getting crap from people on the boards too. its kinda a bummer when they dont even know you and theyre still jerks
i <3 miami ink! i live in a small town too, i get a hard time for what i wear and stuff, rednecks dont know what black is! haha but its ok i guess... is that a kit the cat pic in your backround?
thank you for faving my newspaper skirt!!!
i dont think ive really been up to anything reaally...
I started school.
Keepin up with the bass i guess :]
my life is so terribly boring
just waiting for summer to be over
thats cool
so youre good?
how are you?