Looks good enough to eat and magnetic!
I used polymer clay to create mini pies inside used bottle caps.
I then baked the clay according to the package directions.
I used those promotional magnets you get in the mail to make them magnetic!
Just cut a circle in the shape you need and glue to the back of bottle cap.
Since these were a gift I double taped the magnetic part to a piece of paper and put it inside a little bag. I think this makes them look a tad more professional.
phoenix0365 added Bottle Cap Pie Magnets to BOTTLE TOP MAGNETS 14 May 11:31
phoenix0365 favorited Bottle Cap Pie Magnets 14 May 11:29
MaybeAViking favorited Bottle Cap Pie Magnets 18 Mar 16:18
Twlight.crafts favorited Bottle Cap Pie Magnets 06 Oct 21:36
carys D. favorited Bottle Cap Pie Magnets 31 Jul 14:39
You Will Need
Felecity W. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Sarah D
La Cañada Flintridge, California, US
31 projects
:O so cute!

Azraels Requiem
Bridgeport, Connecticut, US
47 projects
Those r cute, I collect bottle caps. I have a little over 2,000 at last count. I started collecting in the hopes to make a nice bartop with them but I haven't gotten to yet.

Kelsey B.
Monterey, California, US
12 projects
What a clever idea! I love it

Tessel D.
The Hague, South Holland, NL
1 project
So cool!

Felecity W.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
86 projects
THANKS! You can not really tell with my camera, but the cherry pie is actually made of miniature cherries.

Marshie L.
2 projects
soooo cute! I especially love the half eaten pie 8D

Jet H.
Haarlem, North Holland, NL
108 projects
love this , very cool!!!!!!xxx