Make your own Fairy Wings
I wanted to make a pair of fairy wings for Halloween but didn't quite get them finished in time. At any Rate These ones are UV reactive and were a lot of fun to make.
Key West Witch favorited Aurora Borealis Wings 28 Jun 11:23
Kaitlynn L. favorited Aurora Borealis Wings 02 Mar 02:35
Conner W. added Aurora Borealis Wings to wall ideas 11 Feb 23:14
venucifer favorited Aurora Borealis Wings 03 Jan 20:07
dawn0001 favorited Aurora Borealis Wings 24 May 03:15
notthatmj added Aurora Borealis Wings to Sewing projects 04 Nov 16:10
Jennifer G. favorited Aurora Borealis Wings 03 Oct 13:25
Jenna C. added Aurora Borealis Wings to Cosplay 01 Jul 15:48
Moonlight favorited Aurora Borealis Wings 01 Jul 03:42
Conner W. added Aurora Borealis Wings to fantasy stuff 28 Jun 20:56
Step 1
I recommend watching Emilie Autumns crafters coast to coast vid, follow the link:
his should tell you everything you need to know.
The only thing I would add to this is that it's a good idea to seal the burn holes with clear nail polish. But be careful not to mad with it cos the acrylic won't stick to it very well.
Other than that go nuts and decorate with whatever nick naks you have in the house I've used clip on butterflies, sequins and peacock sword feathers. :D
How'd it turn out on the black? sounds awesome!
Thats the bulk lot but you can buy the colours you need seperate. I wouldn't say there was nearly enough paint in the 30ml bulk lot jars so I had to buy more. I reckon about 100ml will do it. (Hence why there weren't ready in time for halloween).
I used metallic facepaint I had on hand on the edges to make them a bit darker and richer in tone. Then dark blue glitter for the edges.