A Clockwork Orange T-Shirt Surgery ((With Attached Suspenders!))
I found this while thrifting in my home town and scored it for $2 ((Hell yes! I never score that kind of good deal!)). It was washed out and terribly mis-shapen.
I also got this knitted giraffe-print short-sleeved sweater which I hacked up also.
I resized them, joined them together + then MADE white suspenders out of thick white elastic my mummy had at her house. Ta-daaa, Clockwork Awesomeness
I wear the suspenders down mostly, adds to my street cred.... LOL
And a cute myspace pose pic ((I swear its the only time I have EVER posed like this. Forgive me))
You Will Need
Max California posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
And the new back & suspenders made it even better. genius!
(my thrift stores suck. >.> )
That is amazing!
yay thrifty goodness
Kudos on the awesomeness and thriftstore find. Score!!