Newbie Vs Vet Swap (New again)

1026 replies since 29th January 2011 • Last reply 29th January 2011

It won't let me edit my post on the front page =

@36 Green Ducks: Of course you can be their vet =] As soon as I can edit posts again I will add you to the list of vets!

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Tell Tom.He sorted my problems quickly

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I got Mel.5.Ide package this morning - apparently my postman was off sick for a week and nobody replaced him, so I got a bunch of mail all together this morning. I love everything she sent me, but my favourite thing ever are the quotes. Its is weird, because, without even knowing, I made exactly the same things for her!

Tonight it was too dark to take decent pictures already, but I'm posting some ASAP. Your package is going out tomorrow! Can't wait to see how you like what I made for you Happy

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Here is the picture of the pack I recived from Essex Debs!
I love everything! Happy
Even my husband got happy when it arrived in the mail! Happy Happy
I loved my first experience swapping, I hope is not the last one, Also yesterday I got a sewing machine! Happy So I'm on Happy

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Mary has taken me on as her Newbie.

Swap will be made and sent out soon Happy

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CO+K Name: Krista B.
Location: California, U.S.
Can you ship internationally? I can try.......

I already have an Idea for my own swap that only I can start.... as far as I know and I really want to.... I will follow the rules but I don't wanna be patient, I want to make stuff for someone!!!!! And send someone what I have! NOW!! LOL who wants ME!!?

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Am i to late and also is there an age limit?

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