Newbie Vs Vet Swap (New again)

1026 replies since 29th January 2011 • Last reply 29th January 2011

i'm actually quite disappointed. i sent my package to bindiibabe 2 weeks ago now. and not received my half of the swap or even a message from her.

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I just received my package from Sweet C today! and it is amazing! I really needed the pick me upper, as I have had a bad couple of days.....

here is the whole lot!

this is the beautiful hand sewn bag that she made! it is gorgeous!

an adorable amigurumi bunny Happy Love him!

a headband that she made, and is super awesome! <3 <3

cool tea wallet! and I am a tea lover so this way I can take it on the go! <^.^>

and these pins rock!

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I'm so glad to see you liked it all! Happy

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oh i love the teabag pouch Happy
i'm well jealous

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Got Pam's package the other night. It is so awesome! I'll get pictures soon, but she sent me a chainmail jewelry set of a necklace and earrings, a chainmail D20 necklace, a scarf, monogrammed felt box, and a super awesome stuffed D20 cat toy and a braided jersey bracelet. I am LOVING the D20 stuff Happy

Hope mine arrived, I sent it through 2-day priority on Monday.

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Yeah I got yours yesterday! I love all the spa goodies Happy I will Post pics later today <3

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Happy Glad you got it! I figured I could send you a little at-home vacation kit.

I wanted to see what you thought of the pendant I sent you. I bet you could make something similar that looks much cooler with what you have available Happy

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Yeah I like the tiny flower bouquet, its super cute Happy I hadn't ever thought about making bouquet charms before with the flower beads I have. I'll def have to try it out!

<a href="" title="Newbie swap from Monica by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Newbie swap from Monica"></a>

Heres what I got from Monica!
A doughnut handmade soap bar
Dr. Discord's Milk Bath <3
Peppermint Lip balm
A flower bouquet pendant,
and Comic print note cards Happy

I can always use more notecards! And I love that their made from newspaper comics. I cant wait to try out the spa stuff! I could def use a relaxation day
<a href="" title="Close up from Monica's swap by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Close up from Monica's swap"></a>
Heres a close up!

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Rawr.Rawr... the swap with GryffindorGrl has ended... we both received our side of the swap, so you can take us off the list Happy


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Oops, I must have missed that, sorry Sweet C, it's been fixed now =]

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Ditto for me and Debbie-Chan we are all complete ;0)

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I'm a newbie looking to swap! (I have dont 1 small swap with Pammerz but would love to do another!).

CO+K Name: Hayley S
Country: London, UK
Ship Internationally? Yes!

Also- how do you put pictures up here?


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hayley s - look at Essex Debs projects, she has a great how-to on there!

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hmm tempted to vet Hayley and try to do it before xmas... what you think hayley? I'm in UK.

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Nikki H- Sure! I'll PM you now :~)

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