Newbie Vs Vet Swap (New again)

1026 replies since 29th January 2011 • Last reply 29th January 2011

Thanks for the updates everyone!

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Rawr.Rawr.x: I'm going to be Libby's vet.

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You can update TiffanyNoelle and I as completed Happy I have family coming to visit for a while so I wont be taking on anymore newbies until the beginning of June. So just hold in there USA newbies. Lol

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Rawr rawr, Cassie B. isn't a postponed swap anymore, she's just going to take her time but you can put her in the active swaps list.

I still wonder whether Mystical Mystiful received my package.... It's been a while O___°°°

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@Pammerz: Oops, sorry about that! I had a blonde moment there and didn't even notice that her name was still up for your swap, even though she's doing another swap already! xD

@Mary ;): Okay, I've updated that now.

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Ok I just started a new swap to include Newbies!! So check it out while your waiting for the Newbie vs Vet Swap! Heres the link ^_^

@Joss you can put this link on the front page too.

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I sent Brittany J. a message to see if she had been paired up with a vet yet. If not, I'd like to be her vet. I'll let you all know when I hear back from her.

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Tiffanie sent her package on April 4 and it's not here yet Happy I really hope it's not lost!

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Flowermouse has received her package which means I'm all completed.
Here is her package
<a href="" title="Flowermouse Package by EssexDebs, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Flowermouse Package"></a>
The blue jewelry quilt is made from Lutradur.
This is the first time I've played with it but found this how to just now.

Kiddo I sent a note to Brittany J yesterday LOL was awaiting her response.Happy for you to take her on if she replies and I'll send the next one a note.

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Ok, Deb. I haven't heard back from Brittany J. yet, but I'm eager to start swapping. I don't know who Deb messaged, but <b> I can take the next US Newbie that needs a vet.</b> (My money is really tight, so I can't really afford to ship internationally with this particular swap.)

<b>So newbies, if you are waiting for a partner, send me a message if you live in the US and I'll take on the first newbie who messages me.</b> I'll get back to you once I get back from work today.

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oh man - It just occurred to me :< does anyone know if there are many people on CO+K who live in the philippines? Tongue

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Kiddo that sounds like a plan.I'll leave it a few days just in case she gets back to me.
Miki-I don't think I've ever seen anyone listed in the Philippines but have shipped packages successfully to Australia and Europe so it should work.You just need a Vet ;0)

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That's unfortunate - I reckon that makes me the first few to be from here :Y
I should probably wait a bit to save up to send internationally before I swap Tongue

Thanks essex debs :3

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I would like to do this but I'm awfully intimidated from the pictures! These things are amazing and I'm not the greatest crafter...
I've finished the Postcard swap and Happygram, but I would still consider myself a 'newbie'.

CO+K Name: Ariel B.
Country: Michigan, United States
Ship Internationally? Nope. $.

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Ariel, you aren't a newbie if you have done another swap. You can take part in other swaps though =]

And you should never think that your crafts aren't good enough. People on cutoutandkeep will love anything they get from their partners.

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