Halloween Swap 2010

226 replies since 31st August 2010 • Last reply 31st August 2010

Yay, I qualify! I have ideas running through my head already!

1) Country: UK

2) Are you willing to post outside of your country? Yes

3) What are your favorite things about Halloween? Pumpkins, candles, black, fancy dress, zombies, skulls, bats, frankenstein etc. Sitting and watching loads of horror films!

4) What do you dislike about Halloween? Kids throwing rotten eggs.

5) Is there anything that you don’t want in your swap package? Like Zina said, no real/realistic spiders - my skin will be crawling for days!

Obviously I can delve deeper with likes and dislikes once I've been partnered Happy Can't wait!

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I love you all. Resisting this swap is futile. I will suck you all in with my Halloween temptations. MWAHAHAHAHAH

@ violetta your not the only one who got some stuff done already Happy

So far we have a pretty good turn out, especially for just posting this up yesterday. So far we have:

2)Laurel S.
3)Michelle G.
4)Kirsten B.
5)Melissa K.
9)Ruby W.

Let see how many more we get before Sunday Happy

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awesome, runs around excited

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FIFTY! YAY! Ok... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do this Swap!

1) Country:

2) Are you willing to post outside of your country?
I would really prefer to post in the USA,
but if it doesn't work out then I'll post outside the USA

3) What are your favorite things about Halloween?
The Horror and Candy, Kids and Costumes, Zombies, Skulls, Vampires,
Pumpkins (with or without faces), Decorations, Smell of Burning Leaves,Bats,Fake Blood, Fake Spiderwebs,
Haunted Houses,The Undead, Black Cats,Horror Movies, Scary Sounds, The way it smells (yes I realize that sounds odd)
and when the adults that still seem to enjoy it and dress up

4) What do you dislike about Halloween?
That it only seems to get a months worth of attention
when it really deserves the whole year

5) Is there anything that you don’t want in your swap package?
Candy Apples and Razorblades Tongue

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Welcome, SpookySweetie. I'm so glad that qualify now for this swap. It's going to be lots of fun Happy

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woohoo, I am almost done

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@Melissa K hehe yay! I thought there was noway I had 50 board posts already! so glad I do!
I haven't done an actual newbie swap! but I have completed 3 successful swaps so far and am working on my 4th yay!
I'm so excited about this swap! My mind is ticking away thinking of what to make!

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nice one sug

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Nice pic Sug Happy I've got one too Happy

Also, I'm editing rule #1 so either you must have completed the newbie swap or have successfully completed any other swap Happy

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Cute Pictures! Hope everyone is having a good day. Happy

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I am!(havng a good day) watching letters to Juliette

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I haven't heard of that, Ill netflix it. Happy My son has Jack Sparrow on at the moment, but I'm working on swap ideas. Happy I'm glad you are having a good day. Happy

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Jeanette, i finally have the required 5 published projects. So i would love if i could join

1) Country: Canada

2) Are you willing to post outside of your country?
If i do not have to, i would rather not. But i will ship within North America

3) What are your favorite things about Halloween?
Getting to dress up in costumes, fake fangs, black cats and bats, horror movies, the fall season( the crunchy leaves and earthy smell), werewolfs , vampires, scaring people , and of course candy corn Happy

4) What do you dislike about Halloween?
Being scared myself, what lurks in the dark, spiders, pumpkins that people leave out wayy after halloween is over

5) Is there anything that you don’t want in your swap package?
Earings because my ears are streched. Other then that i love anything Tongue

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Yay! Angel Eve, so happy to have you join our fun Happy

So now we have the following people:

2)Laurel S.
3)Michelle G.
4)Kirsten B.
5)Melissa K.
9)Ruby W.
11)Angel Eve

Only a few more days till partner time. I hope we get at least one more to join, so that we can have even numbers Happy

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