Halloween Swap 2010
ooooooooo i can sooooooooooo seee what you made me! hahaha j/k!! Thank you Ruby! Cant wait to see all your awesome goodies.
Jenna going to try to mail them out today or tomorrow!
Ok I'm dying to know how you ladies make these cool teasers?
I love seeing teasers and can't wait to see what everyone gets. I hope everyone is doing well so far on this swap.
I use a mix of different abode programs like Photoshop and Illustrator. I'm not sure what others use.
i use the program called paint.net...its similar to photoshop but easier to use...google it, its free
YaY!!!! I am uber excited about all the sugary goodness coming my way, and that teaser - EEEEE!!! I need to learn to make them as well! And I am way intrigued at what cute little spooky goody could possibly have killed your needle! I guess I will find out soon!!!!
And miss Ruby, dahling, I will officially be sending yours out tomorrow just as soon as I get your addy! =) YaY!! I'm so excited and can't wait to see everyone's goodies!!! ^.^
Eeee!!! Sooo excited!
I have the pictures, but can't access them until I move, sorry
I received SparrowFaes package yesterday... loved it! I'll be posting photos when I can.
I'll send my address And I need yours. Argh I hate the mail though. I"m done except for one little thing and I'm still waiting on the materials to come. If it doesn't come soon I'll just make you something else and ship out your package
Jenna did you get your goodies yet? huh? huh? did ya? *jumps around*
Ooo! The excitement!!! I want to see EVERYONES pictures. Pleeease, I love looking at all the goodies
*Joins Sug jumping around*
BEST EVER!!!! WEEPING ANGELS from Doctor who!! Never taking them off!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! *dances off the computer screen*
Sorry I'm late with pics... here's what SparrowFae sent me! I love it! I got A Great little BOO Box with matching earrings and <3ring<3 and a haunted house, a beautiful fuzzy pumpkin <3 2 super cute photo frames 3 adorable magnets and 2 awesome trick or treat bags for the kids! Thanks so much. *hugs*
Ruby - Awesome Job!!!!
Great stuff! Ruby and SparrowFae you both did excellent jobs! I love the sleeping mask from Ruby and fuzzy pumpkin from SparrowFae.
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