Pokemon Swap - Partners Posted!

146 replies since 10th February 2010 • Last reply 10th February 2010

Thanks ladies!

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Awesome job ladies! I'm loving it! ^.^

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Yay I got my stuff from Interstellar today!! : D

The envelope was open when I got it. I bet my sneaky mailman took something. XD It's so awesome!!!

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Aw, I love it !!!! ^.^

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Great stuff everyone. Is it just you and my left now Jenna?

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I don't think Laurel has recieved hers yet, but other than that - yep, it's just us! =) Hope you're ready to be spoiled with Pokemon and Kawaii!! ^.^

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hey jenjen i think your sneaky mailman did take something there was also a pickachu keychain and a magikarp one too =(

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No way! That's terrible - sneaky mailman swiping swap goodies. Boo Hiss. >.<

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They could have just fallen out=/
I haven't got mine yet, but I think things take aaaaaaages from Canada so not worried yet=)

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Booo indeed to the mailman sneakily swiping stuff. Lets hope he isn't nasty like that but if that's the case then Boooo to the mail service for not taping it up after it opened up.

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I guess stuff takes long in canada, the post office said 2 weeks and you should get it. So im not sure really whats happened to it laurel.

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My stuff just came! It is absolutely brilliant, thank you. I love it=D
Will post pics later when I get them off my phone=)

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Here is the stuff I got from Angie=)

You can't tell from the picture but the plushies are huge, probably life size lol. The gengar hat is ace and must've taken ages to get all those little spines in. I'm glad it's black cos a purple one would've made it look as though I'd had a nasty blow-drying incident;)
I love everything thank you=)))

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Im so happy that you love the hat. I didnt want to part with it :p And i thought that gengar was black, so thats why the hat was made that colour Tongue

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Alrighty, Rhi! It's just me and you now!! I'm hoping to get all of your kawaii goodies done this week, and get your big combined goodie bag out to you definately by next weekend. I'll keep ya posted!! =)

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