check out this tee shop:

hi everyone, a guy i know has opened a tee shop in the internet, but it isn't running so well because not many people know about it. check it out please:
the tees are a very good quality, they're printed by a professional company and i have a few of these type tees myself. they have good fitting, and the print quality is high. if you have any questions, please let me know by posting here or messaging me, i'll ask him then.
thanks a lot!

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3 replies since 6th February 2010 • Last reply 6th February 2010

Very awesome designs!

I'm quite partial to <a href="">this tee shop</a>. (Had to give my mate a plug).

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Very Cool!!!

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they're very cool! Love the designs.
I'd buy one but I live in Costa Rica and it is a pain to order something from Europe Happy but I'll pass the link to some friends who live there, maybe they'll buy something

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