happygrams ongoing
lol--when did you send it? sometimes ill get cards or letters, etc from the usa within a week.... and other times, it takes months, literally. o.O
I sent it a couple of weeks ago, but I sent a parcel to the same person a week later and she's had that. Used the same post office too, v odd.
This is such a cute idea! is it still going? I would love to join! <3
yes it is, but can I ask you to do the Newbie swap first
and Laurel, it happens. Sometimes it gets mixed up. wait a bit then ask her. I got the card you sent me, loves it! Thanks!!! made my day
great surprised
ah, ok sure!
i was looking at that anyways. =^__^=
i received my first happy gram in the mail today!- thanks melissa. love the stickers on the back of the envelope and the tea
I hope my secret person gets hers soon!!!! Three of my swaps haven't reached their destinations yet! I hope they didn't suffer mass ... lost-ed-ness (haha) in the post!!!
oh I say it being slow, thats all.
I got one too and it made my day. I love how much effort was put into it
this is a great idea is it still going on?
I got a happygram today W00T!! Thanks meesh, was supercute=)
yes it is Yuki but I am asking all newbies to do the newbi swap first, please
second gram was sent today ready for the third!
Yay!!! Glad you liked it Laurel
Im sending my second one tomorrow!Still no happygram in the mail...I could really use one right now...
well hon I do know that there is one on the way, but can't say from whom! It will be there soon!
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