happygrams ongoing

290 replies since 7th January 2010 • Last reply 7th January 2010

My partner has received her HappyGram, Just hasnt had a chance to post it here yet!... Still nothing in my mailbox as yet!

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great, this is going so well

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Secret Squirrel- Glad you liked it, and it only took a week to get there! Awesome!

Still nothing in my mailbox...

Sending out #2 today~ Ready for my next person

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Hey guys

I received a happy gram from Tikki Takki. It was still so adorable even though I knew it was coming because she didn't realise it was ment to be secret ;) Here is a picture of it. Sorry it's taken me soo long to post it up! I have had some bad news as of late so motivation for taking photos was running low. Guess it had good timing though Happy

It came with the cutest little poem ^_^

Your Personal Balance Kit
Sparkles - To put a sparkle in every day
Peg - To hang in there when times get though
Rubber Band 0 To extand your limiting beleifs
Marble - For the days when you think you've lost yours
Eraser - To move past yesterday's mistakes
Candle - To brighten the darkest days
String - To keep things together if they seem to be falling apart
Rainbow - To put colour into everything you do

I think something happened to the last decription for the "Heart of gold" So tikki Takki you may have to fill us in on the ending.

Thankyou soo much it really was one of the most wonderful gifts. I may borrow your idea in the future for someone I hope you don't mind ;)

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Oh Im so happy you liked it, but Im sorry to hear about the bad news you have had I hope everything is alright.
Oh I didnt notice there was a little missing on the last one it should just read " HEART OF GOLD - Thats YOU!"
I certainly dont mind you using this in future I actually got the Idea from a thrift store find I had a while back, seemed very fitting!!
Great Picture aswell btw! Happy

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wow, thats great

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That is awesome! I may have to borrow that tooo!!! And I got mine yesterday Thank you Laurel it brightened my day! Happy))
I'm on the mission # 3

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awesome, you guys are great. ***happygram Stars***

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Dah! I got a surprise Happygram from Heather C. yesterday!!!! I totally squeed when I opened it, too. ;)

I'm taping the cupcake to my wall. :-D

(I hope the images actually come out, and sorry for the sideways one!)

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I thought you would love the cheer. Great Job

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If there's another mission going I wouldn't mind taking it=)

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yay- i'm glad it got there quickly rachie!

my second happy gram is just waiting for an international stamp- should be going to the post tomorrow.

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ok, I has many guys

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I'm wondering if my first one got lost in the mail, I sent a swap package to the same person a week later and she's had that, but no mention of the card. I don't want to ask her in case it turns up and I've spoiled the surprise=/

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oooh it will turn up. crosses fingers

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