fave animal swap-closed
Now we are making one of each of there fav animals?? I have made 2 almost three, but its ok to make a few different things as long as they have that animal in it?? I love making so I could make all day so I just want to know what the go is lol
I hope I am making sense its late and we have just finished Halloween Im very tired but so awake lol
well with mine I made a few items of each, and it can be inspired by the animal, the animal its self... there are actually no rules to this. If you want to make a butterfly inspired necklace without a butterfly in it, its ok. It just centers around the animal.
why not ask Kit about what she likes?
Hey Kat,
Im almost done. I just want to make a few more things and Ill be done. This has being heaps of fun. Cant wait to see what everyone has done
i wanna see pics lol
me too
Oh this is cool I'll be a little longer. I've made a few bits and I've loved looking round for info on lemurs
everyone take your time, and I can't wait to see what you get!
I love em they are so cool. I got to hang out with 3 at the Australia Zoo. I fed them while they walked over me. They dont like being touched so it tooke everything I had not to kiss his face
I know, they are soooooooo cute
Hey Kat,
I will probably be sending to you by next week want to send you a few little more things.
Cant wait to see what everyone has made
me too, its going to be awesome
I might take a little longer but I'm hoping to be done by the end of next week. I'll keep you posted.
Hey Michelle Got your parcel today Thank you sooo much, It's very cute! Heather I'm hopefully gonna send yours very soon... I'm just wondering if I could add anything else
any chance of seeing some pics? Its my favourite bit of swaps is seeing what everyone comes up with.
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