Mix CD swap (closed)

59 replies since 15th April 2009 • Last reply 15th April 2009

Thats cool Cemetery. I had already organised a song list as I had posted the swap hahaha. I love making mix CDs for people ^_^

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Still waiting to see if my partner is even doing this still.....

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Ok cool. I wanted to see what my partner liked before I made mine just in case!Happy I think Im almost done choosing songsHappy

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Thats what I am waiting for see what she likes. Then I can find her odd stuff in that category and then find things she probably would have never heard of. (=

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shipped cd to expired sanity today :0)

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Cemetery your CD was in the mail as of this afternoon Happy Horray. Hope it doesn't take too long to get there.

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Still no reply from your partner Tara?

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Woo! I should be sending yours the beginning of next week RhibiHappy

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hope you get a reply tara! x

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Cool Thanks Cemetry.

Tara would you like to get a copy of the same CD I make Cemetry? I'm sad that you haven't been able to get hold of your partner yet. It's been well over a week now.

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Rhibi, yours was sent todayHappyHappy I hope you like it!!

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I got you CD today Tina! I'm playing it right now, and loving the Serj Tankian song. I believe I sent you a mudvayne song too and a few featuring Valo. Also I squealed when I saw the buckcherry song, I've been meaning to buy their CD for so long. Hopefully you enjoy mine as much as I'm enjoying yours Happy

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you guys should post asong playlist of what your cd entails kinda like we post picks

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