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11 replies since 5th April 2009 • Last reply 5th April 2009

I've got BOGO at http;//kiddo47.etsy.com

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hey kiddo, do you advertise on other sites, or have paid for advertising.
I'm running out of my free advertising options.

If I sell something I want to hit your shop up.

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I use twitter a lot. I've also joined DIYscene.com where you can promote as much as you want on their forum. They're cool. I put $15 into Project Wonderful and advertise there, but it hasn't really done any good. You can pay as little as a penny a day!

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I was thinking about Project Wonderful, but I've heard mixed reviews about it. I figure it might be worth a try though since its so cheap.
I've been making spotlights on byhand.me with my stuff. If you make a blog on there you have the option to publish it on the first page. Free advertising.
MySpace hasnt really helped at all. I was hoping it would some.

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Yeah I'm on byhand.me too, but not really active on it. Join street team on Etsy. I'm in the process of joining the DIYscene Street team. You have to have 100 posts, be active for 60 days on the site, and have your shop open for 60 days. You also have to get 2 referrals to the site and you got me my first! Thanks!

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Really glad that you're on DIY now! It's good to have a familiar face there.

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hey do you guys have banners or want to make some people could put them on like their face books myspace and such cause you both have very cute stuff that tons of people would buy

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I've just got the generic Etsy banner right now! I had purchased a couple of banners really cheap (b/c I don't know how to make them), but they don't match my cute little sock monkey. Thanks for complimenting my stuff girlie!

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I'm pretty bored right now.

If you like it I can email you the original jpeg.

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Omg traci! That is wicked kewl!!! Kiddo is going to love that!!!

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She surprised with with it on another forum and I had a fit! I heart it!

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