pin cushion swap! CLOSED

well it is what itt says on the tin! we all make a pin cushion and then we swap it!

Mmmm for the sin up close date how about the 15th April
and the send of date 15th May
so you have a whole month to make it! ;)

hope your interested! Happy

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68 replies since 27th March 2009 • Last reply 27th March 2009

I'll sign up! I've only ever made one pin cushion in my life - I think I was 9 or so. it was for my Nana Happy I've seen so many on here that I think I can definitely come up with something! and May seems far enough away ;)

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awesome! thats one person! Happy

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I'd be the second! Ü
I have never made one.

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oooh i am interested but give me a few days to see if i can actually make one to my liking cause if i suck at it i dont want to disappoint my partner.

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of corse you can have a few days! Happy

great that people are intrestd!

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Hey Sug, I assume you know that there some tuts here to make one. BTW Ezme, count me in. Happy

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ya i seen the tutes but i am my worst critic on new things lol if i no likey then I wont let my future partner suffer......RUN AWAY RUN AWAY FROM THE EVIL MUTATED PIN CUSHION THAT SUG MADE lmao

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haha! i love the evil pin cushion!!! i think you should make it! XD also the evil pin cushion is now my desktop wall paper! Happy

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I'm in! i love pin cushions. Now if i can just decide WHICH one i want to make. AHHH SO MANY CHOICES!!!!!!!!!!!

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well here is my attempt of the pin cushion monster...o.O

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I WAN THE EVIL PIN CUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy

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so i take it i am worthy to be in the pin cushion swap ~.^ lol I'm in~!

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