How about... a page swap?

84 replies since 8th January 2009 • Last reply 8th January 2009

*big grin* I was just thinking about those earlier today, wondering if you got them Mama Zoe, glad you like them.

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ooops im late will post first thing on monday!

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i posted mine yesterday so cm should get them soon!

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Haha I am a little late too Happy

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Jessayah, darl' ... I need your address Happy

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I got my first swap, the pages from Ezme, very cute!!Happy

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Thank you!- glad you like them! Happy

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Yeah, I like them, very original. I have since then made about 8 or 9 pages for future swaps. Sorry guys, I'm an anxious individual when it comes crafts. I would get my crafts done, before the house cleaning does. Hahaha!! LOL I have yet two more swaps all made and ready to send out once I get partnered. Woohoo!!

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sorry been on another planet my little one has been in and out of hospital wiillll post tomorow!

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Sorry guys, I've sent mine and got mine. I'm ready to go again. LOL

I have 25 pages done, not including the four for the next swap. I sat at my kitchen table covered with supplies and such and went page making crazy. There are some that I will make again to keep for myself; sometimes I scare myself with the stuff I come up with. Happy

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It's good that your soo motivated Happy I wish I could get like that more often Tongue

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i'm confudeld! are we getting different partners again or having the same as last time?

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No, Mama Zoe will rearrange the list so that we will be sending to and receiving from someone different the next time. Happy

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Isn't it about time for another swap?!

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Sorry everyone, life got in the way and I got rather distracted... I'm moving in a few months, and we're moving in with friends, so a lot of duplicated stuff --- am having to sort everything I own into Keep/Sell/Give away piles lol... It's really exhausting! And just plain busy with my kids. Got so distracted I hadn't even logged on here in a while and I feel bad for it, sorry!
The next one should've been for like... Tuesday... but I never mailed out names. Did people arleady get their next pages ready to go, or should I give us til Apr 15th?

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