How about... a page swap?

84 replies since 8th January 2009 • Last reply 8th January 2009

Awesome Happy

Alright... I'm thinking since there's a lot of swaps right now that we wait to mail til the end of Feb - but we can make as many pages as we want to right NOW. To spice it up and create some more variety, AND to make it so we have enough for a little book FASTER, I'm gonna make one more change - paying attention? lol: We will ALL make SIX pages (so, 3 regular sized sheets of paper cut in half - 4.5in by 8.5in, to make 6 pages), and mail SIX to your partner when the time comes.
On March 1st, we get new partners and swap again on March 31st... BUT FROM THEN ON, you will ONLY MAKE FOUR PAGES, because you will keep four of the ones you received, and send TWO of them on to the next person WITH the four that you made yourself. Every time you recieve 6, keep 4, make 4, mail 6. Make sense? I'll make a funny diagram up in the first post in a sec. LOL.

Do you guys think once a month is good enough?

I think there's 9 of us right now... we can add more people every time if more people want to join, they just join at the end of a month before we get new partners.

So there's
Ezme and

I was wrong, there's 10 of us.
Either way, to make this easy when we swap partners, you will ALWAYS be sending to the person below you! If you are at the bottom, you send to the person at the top. (i.e., Creativemind, you send to me this round) When March 1st comes and it's time to switch, I'll re-order the list and we go again. OK? Tell me if you're confused. LOL.

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cool! end of feb sounds good !

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Got it!

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Oh wait, since it's like 4 or 6 sheets, which is actually 8 to 12 pages, do we decorate both sides? Or are we doing 2 sheets for 4 pages and 3 sheets for 6 pages?
Just want to clarify what you said before so that I got it straight:
We will ALL make SIX pages (so, 3 regular sized sheets of paper cut in half - 4.5in by 8.5in, to make 6 pages)

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I am confuded :/ lol

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Got it, will be great. Ü
So we will mail it on February 27th (Friday), 6 pages 5.5 in by 8.5 in (right?).

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Sorry if I confused you Sug, I have a bad habit of being very technical. So just go with Zoe. Tongue

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lol ale...
<quote>"6 pages 5.5 in by 8.5 in (right?)."</quote>

YES lol... cuz clearly I can't divide 11 by 2... it does equal 5.5 not 4.5 *laughs*

And you can decorate both sides if you'd like to but it is 6 pieces of paper. Does that help?

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Thanks Zoe, just wanted to clarify.

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Yes Mama Zoe!
Clear as water. Ü

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So who am I making pages for? Ezme?

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whomever is under you... *checks* .... yep, Charlie you're making pages for Ezme. Happy

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Well, I'm all anxious and everything, this is my first swap. I already have my first 6+ done. I'm just waiting to send them out!

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