Winter Swap! *sign up closed*

122 replies since 26th October 2008 • Last reply 26th October 2008

^^ yes, I think so.. ;) We do a lot of can build everything out of hama bead figures.. But If you have more Pixel you need more Hama beads.. Somethimes it is way to big and needs to much time.. But we have over 100 Hama bead figures in the shop.. and we always try new stuff.. You can send me a privat mail if you want to talk ;)

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*giggles madly and runs off to the mail box*

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[B]Favorite colours?[B/] mauve, any shade of blue and black [B]Would you like someone to make you for this winter swap?[B] I like hats with animal ears and faces, I have a grizzley bear hat already maybe a scarf or somethng to match would be cool. DX I like hats the cover my ears if your gonna make me one. But I am easy to please so anything you like really. [B]Something you would not like.[B/] Nothing that i can think of [B]What do you have in mind to make in this winter swap?[B/] I really don't DX I will think of stuff once I find out who my partner is.

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Favorite colours? Dark browns, greens, indigo, and purple. no light or bright colors
Would you like someone to make you for this winter swap? a nice journal. anything Buddha related. or owl related. I love journals. that'd be nice. or some handspun yarn-enough for a project. but I'd prefer a nice journal and a simple wallet.
Something you would not like. anything flourescent or light colored or christian.
What do you have in mind to make in this winter swap? a hat. a card. some bath product. maybe a small journal.

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Welcome you two ♥

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^^ yay today is the day... ^^

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YAY! To tired to do match you guys up! You have to wait a little later in the day *Laughs evilly*

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o.O i have to wait some more...

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I never did get ahold of my friend Happy I tried. We're still uneven after people joined aren't we?...

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Just do it like 3 people had signed up. Say you me and sug signed up. Sug make Mama Stuff Mama make Tara stuff Tara make Sug stuff. Tada!

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If we are uneaven sorry didn't read above mama and Sug. To tired?! Phooey get it done. LOL

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Okay I tired to mix it up since some of us have been around for awhile and have done swaps with each other before >_< But there are lots of new faces so I think this turned out okay I did a little spying around the site to make sure you haven't swap with the person before

So....Charleeeeee makes for Caeluma
Caeluma makes for Tara M
Tara M makes for Ezme
Ezme makes for JessayahX
JessayahX makes for sugarlishes
Sugarlishes makes for thecraftaholic
thecraftahlic makes for Jenna M
Jenna M makes for Mana Zoe
Mana Zoe makes for Lilim
Lilim makes for DIS.AR.RAY
DIS.AR.Ray makes for Charleeeee

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Happy i cant wait to get to know you craftaholic...wonder if there is a shorter name for you! thanks lilim!

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crafty. =)

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^_^ Thank you Sug and Tara for showing me this fun way to sign everyone up ♥
I think this is better then doing a one on one part cause now you get to know 2 new people and not just one

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