Promotional Opportunity: Hip Holiday Craft Fair Now Accepting Samples and Promos

The Holiday Handmade Cavalcade is a one-day shopping event showcasing three floors full of handcrafted goods. It will take place at the Knitting Factory in New York City from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday December 6, 2008.

The event is being organized by The {NewNew}York Street Team ( The group is partnering with many sponsors including Etsy & L Magazine (, and a large crowd is expected.

Anyone who RSVPs for the event online will be eligible to receive 1 of 200 complimentary, limited-edition goody bags which will be packed with Indie Etsy Goods from across the US. The group is now accepting donations for the goody bags. This will be a great way to promote your business to thousands of NYC consumers & gain exposure around the holiday season.

Types of donations accepted include samples/smaller versions of your product (soap, earrings, prints, etc), promos (pins, buttons, magnets, etc), and coupons/gift certificates. Business cards, postcards, flyers, or other such items will not be included unless they are attached to a sample/promo/coupon. Please send samples & promos in lots of at least 10-15 items.

Contact handmadecavalcade @ with the subject line *promos* for the address of where to send and with any questions you may have. *Donations must be received by November 21, 2008.*

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