Secret Santa Swap ***Swap Closed***

140 replies since 11th September 2008 • Last reply 11th September 2008

I know who everyone's Secret Santa is.....
Takes a little more than candy canes though.
Muah hahahahahahaha.

Let me check the bank now. **crosses fingers**

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Damn you Tara!

Is everyone putting in the package who they are? Mine already knows though =P

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I'm starting to wonder why my box is taking so long to get where it's going.... I sent out like a week ago - I certainly thought it would be there by now..... v.v

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Hehe Knitten Kitten I'm not making for you. You thought so huh? Nope I am sneaky someone else has you. =p

And Gypsie its Christmas Rush now EVERYONE's packages should take a long time now.

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so i wonder if i got mine sent just in the nick of time before the xmas rush...ooOOoooOOoo score for sug! woot!

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>_< I hope none get lost
*Takes candy cane and runs off to make candy cane cookies and cupcakes*

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Oh no I knew you weren't making for me, I meant that you know I'm making for you so I didn't have to put it in mine.

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Oh I see. ^_^

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Oh, and yeah no one is suppose to tell who they are we are suppose to guess. Thats the fun of it!

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I'm send the package today!!! Here's a spoiler.......

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Penguins! *walks like a penguin*
My mommy walks and is tall as a penguin also sometimes when shes made she sounds like one *giggles*

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Woah are all those for your pal? You're gonna be disappointed by mine!

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I'm sending mine first thing tomorrow. I'm really sorry, that I didn't do it sooner! Somehow December flies by at double speed - it's almost Christmas already...

Wow.. one of us is getting a lot of gifts from Tara Happy

*Uh... looking forward to getting my package!*

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*presses her face out the window and waits for the mail man to come (its only 11am he wont be here till 3 or 4)*

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Yay! Christmas is getting closer!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! *jumps on bed*

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