a new swap

320 replies since 28th August 2008 • Last reply 28th August 2008

roflmao the double decker bus reminded me of the spice girls movie

the arts festival thing would be pretty sweet and we could all sale our wares and get into troble muahahhaahahahahahahhahahahhahaha

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oohh, I can see it now... it will be fab!

then we can have pizza! Ok, I have no idea where that came from, maybe I really want a pizza

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oh pizza i want a pizza with pepperoni extra cheese mushrooms bell peppers and onion ummmmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh and bacon of course lol

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ohhh yes. I like ham and pineapple

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oh yeah thats good too
oh man i want a pizza so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

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I get it for supper tonight

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im so jealuos ;)

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I save u peice? then u loves me more? gives cute kitty eyes

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Hehe. Sounds like you guys need a trip to Cici's!! Nothing like a good ol' pizza buffet. MmM.... I'm partial to BBQ pizza myself. And pudding pizza for desert! YUMMY!!

And Corrie, yes. The spice girls thing sort of popped into my head too.... haha! Happy

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ok, Pizza party

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awww michelle have i told you your the best Happy

jenna we have a cicis here too i havent been yet though but i want to take the boys is it pretty good well what buffet isnt good right lol but whats this pizza pudding you speakth of it sounds delightful ive had apple pie pizza it was awesome

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Ohhh yes Cici's is VERY good. You should definately go. They have all sorts of pizzas - then there's a seperate little buffet bar that's the dessert pizzas. Hence, the apple pizzas, the pudding pizza, the brownies, all kinds of stuff. The pudding pizza is just a gooey pizza crust with pudding on top. Not exactly sure what flavor it is - vanilla maybe, but it's absolutely amazing! Definately have a piece for me whenever you go! Happy

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I love Cici's! I haven't been to one since I lived in Louisiana. But now....... dun dun duhhhh! They are putting one in across the street. $5 for a buffet! Awsomeness!

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lmao... look at what i miss out on... road trips and pizza and sleep overs... Im up for it all and you guys have some great craft shows in america... like seriously kool!!!

ps...no baby yet!!

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steph, where are you due? anytime now?

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