acrylic paint + Fabric

So I've been using acrylic paint to pain on my jeans and a few t-shirts, and I was going to go pick up some acrylic sealer, but I didn't see on the bottle anywhere whether it would be ok to use on clothes. My goal is to make it less likely to wash off...Any ideas?

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3 replies since 20th July 2011 • Last reply 20th July 2011

As far as I know acrylic paint can't be washed out clothes.
I always get warned when I start painting with acrylic paint.

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It does cause I washed a pair of jeans I did this awesome sailor moon painting on and most of it washed away Happy

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use a water-proof paint? i think arcrylics are water-based so they would wash away. i paint warhammer with the citadel acrylics and to make them runnier we use water, and to wash the brush is water so these are water-based.
ask someone in an art store or fabric store if it will work?

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