(Halloween stuff)

Okay, so here's the picture of what I'm gonna be for halloween:
<img src=http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex/images/1/1a/Jhudora_HTD.gif>

<p> i've been looking (a little) for that kind of dress that i can work with, i'm thinking it will be to no avail however.

soo i'm going to have to have a go at sewing this thing. I'll buy some fabric soon. The question is, How can i go about this? Any tips, suggestions, ideas, whatever, would really be appreciated. and it would be quite helpful. Happy

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2 replies since 17th October 2010 • Last reply 17th October 2010

here is a website to buy a pattern for that dress.
i dont know where you live but this is 5.00 USD

but this looks really easy to make without a pattern, id get a dress the has the same type of look and get some fabric dye and dye it. try looking at thrift store too.

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The costumes on there are actually pretty good, but not along the lines of what i'm looking for. I haven't even thought of fabric dye though, thats a good one.... Yeah, I looked at one punk thrift store pretty much. Maybe i could go to value village or so.

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