Too early to start thinking about christmas....?

32 replies since 30th August 2010 • Last reply 30th August 2010

Gah! Problem with making things for your husband: getting him to leave you alone long enough to actually make anything!

Any ideas girls? x

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i never have the problem of him leaving me alone, just give him the internet or a film or computer game, works with mine!

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Bryony, I had this issue with Shlomi for his birthday--and in fact, it was to SUCH an extent that his last present STILL isn't done! I finally told him what it was after his bday passed, so I was able to work on it in front of him, but then he wanted to be involved in the design process, and now i have to print a new stencil... but I have to use the printer at work and don't have one at home, and they changed the printer and it isn't set up with my computer... so there the project sits. xD

I wish there were something I could tell you, but basically, I just had to tell him to leave me alone and not come in the room because I was busy making his presents. :-P

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