nephew help
i got two nephews that are going to be sharing a bday party in a couple of weeks...I am baffled on what to make them..any will be 7 and the other one will be 10. You guys never failed me on jump starting the creative side of my brain! QUICK lets huddle!! thanks
hmm, what are their likes? Dislikes?
Do they like zombies?? You could make them a zombie survival guide! And then make them some monster be gone spray. Cause their imaginations will run wild. LOL
i guess they are the typical games, super heroes and cartoons. lol I know the ten year old loves to read and for xmas I made them the bookmarks that I posted on my projects. He enjoyed those.
lets see here Scott likes all the cartoon super heroes from power rangers to spiderman, he will be 7. Ryen He plays football, loves to read harry potter books and play his psp. Last birthday I got a wooden box at hobby lobby painted it baby blue and glued a toy car as a latch to open his box, with a Wooden S glued on top of it and filled it with a bunch of toy cars and army guys. For Ryen last christmas I made these for his books. hope that helps out , i am really stuck on what to make them this year. thanks guys
make astro jax i think theirs a you tube vid that shows you how
or you can make foot ball pillows woot woot
how about backpacks? or a psp cosy?
or for scott, he is probly thinking he is getting to old for kiddy stuff, why not get a huge movie poster for one of his fave movies and frame it? Like from the last spiderman or the transformers movie?
and for Ryen, how about harry potter book ends? You could paint book ends with the hogwarts Griffendors or Ravenclaw. Or knit him a scarf in Hogwarts colours.
Or frame comic strips! Thats always a cool idea.
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