Feedback on Craft Fair Items
Hey friends ^_^
My mom signed me up to sell my jewelry and crochet items at a craft fair back home at the end of November. It's like a Holiday Bazaar, where you can buy little handmade gifts for people for Christmas. I wont actually get to be there because I'll be busy moving, but my mom and friend will run my both for me. I have all my jewelry already done, since I have a huge inventory already made from selling online, but they asked me to make crochet items as well.
They suggested I try and make things that would be fun stocking stuffers, and close to $10.00, but not over $20.00, because they didn't the the more expensive things will sell a lot.
I have to have everything finished and mailed to them by November 19th!! So I want to get as much done as possible, that means small or quick projects that can be finished in a less than a few hours, that way I wont spend too much time on any one item.
I would really like some feedback on things such as,
Which items are your Favorite
Which do you think will do well or do bad
Are they priced correctly
Project ideas for something else
stuff like that I've been uploading the pics of what I have done to a Facebook album that is open to the public, so if you have time, go look through them and "like" your favorites and/or leave helpful comments.
Thanks! <3
I think the scarves and hats will do really well. Your prices are always fair.
I don't know how well the hair accessories will do, to be honest. I have never seen hair bows do very well at holiday sales (no idea why, though).
My personal favorite is the variegated blue scarf :3
Good luck! I'm sure your stuff will do awesomely
I agree hats and scarves for sure,I think the polar bear hat will do really well especially if you had adult sizes. I saw some of the comments about your prices being to high and actually disagree, I think you could sell all hats & scarves for 15 ( if not 20) but you may want to give some kind of discount for buying 2 items, like 5 dollars off so they'll be more inclined to buy more stuff. At our Bazar ppl sell hats/scarves for 30-50 dollars depending on the material. Why don't you try selling some of your jewelry too?
Maybe you should make crochet plushies too (those i think would REALLY sell)? You could make bunch lil ones for stocking stuffers for kids ...or Bigger ones for decoration for adults. Maybe pumpkins, animals, santa? lol Things christmas related? You could probably sell them for more $.
But i think your hats will sell well, especially animal ones. People r always tryin to please lil kids. lol Good Luck!!
Thanks Monica and Andrea
I'm kinda torn up on prices I feel like they are worth a lot more than people would probably pay, like the rainbow scarf, everyone loves, but everyone says they wouldn't pay $20.00 for it, and I feel like it should be $20+ because of the time it took to make it and it is really soft and long. So that's why I'm asking opinions about it. It seems like anyone who crafts can realize how much time/effort/supplies an items must have taken but everyone else is cheap and doesn't want to pay $20.00 for a basic 100% wool scarf (the purple one) It took $10.00 of yarn to make, and so if I sell it for $10, I make $0 on in
But it I price them too high I'll be stuck with all the inventory until next year, or the summer if I can get into the farmer market.
So that's the problem, price too high, the wont sell, price too low I get screwed. lol
Anyway I think I will end up adjusting the prices up a bit, then I can do things like
buy a hat and get $5.00 off a scarf.
buy two hair accessories and instead of being $10 total its $8
Stuff like that. lol
I will be selling my jewelry, I'm just not going to make any thing other than what I already have, which is a lot, I have like 200 ish items of jewelry already, lol. So I'm focusing on crochet items.
Yeah, people being cheap is always a problem with craft fairs. Sometimes, I encounter people who find something of mine that they really like, but they're too cheap to spend $3 on a 4oz bar of handcrafted soap, or $10 on a gift basket full of things that would otherwise be $12-15 separate.
The last craft fair I took part in, people were too cheap to even buy my $2 clearance items ._.
I think I'm just going to end up trying harder to sell stuff online through Craft Cafe and Facebook this year. I've not been in contact with the person who's usually in charge of the local craft events so I don't know if I'll even get to be in a craft fair this winter. lol
What about if you make a few scarves and hats in sport team colors? Here in maryland, people go crazy for handmade items that are purple and black for the ravens. I agree your prices are fair. I myself have bought croched hats for thirty dollars last fall.
@pam sounds like a good idea, either way after it's over you'll have a better idea of what sells and at what prices, you can always store the rest away for next yr or sell online
Thanks for the info everyone-
Ashley I will totally try and make some little amigurumi items after I feel like I've got enough hats and scarves, I was kinda thinking I should do that, but you convinced me, lol
Caitlin- I had that same idea, but I didn't know what teams to make it for, I'll be selling in Idaho, which doesn't have a sports team (not a legit one) and the closets thing to a team Idaho has is the Boise State Broncos in foot ball, but my home town has a different university in it (Idaho State) So I don't think sports teams colors will sell. So I'm staying away from obvious team colors and also trying to stay away from the red, green&white Christmas combo, except for a few small things, just because I feel like you cant wear those before Thanksgiving or after New Year's or you look goofy, lol.
You could always make tons of those crochet fabric bangles I posted. I added a tut early today so it should be up soon
I'm making a lot for my upcoming Christmas sale. Yay!
That's true. Good luck though. I'm sure you will do great!
I think the novelty items will get a lot of attention, the little bear hat, the cupcake cozy, and the watermelon purse are all super cute. I don't think the bows or flowers will sell well because people won't really know what to do with them. The infintiy scarves will sell because they are popular and people will always want them too. I think the prices all look about right. Also, I recommend purhaps knitting a few baby sized hats and no scratch mittens because as a mother-to-be, I'm always looking for special things like that for my baby.
Ok Pinkweeds I will totally add in some baby items. I have a few cute hat patterns, one is a little pixie and and I just love it, but I haven't ever made mittens, so I'll have to do a trial pair to see how they turn out, lol.
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