How can I make some money?

I'm going to China in October next year (SO EXCITED!!) But it's going to be pretty expensive, so I need to make some money, a few hundred pounds atleast. I'm 14 living in the UK - what can I do?
Also, have any of you guys been to Beijing/Shanghai? If yes, can you tell me about your travels please!

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16 replies since 3rd November 2010 • Last reply 3rd November 2010

Start saving your allowance, if you get any. Are you too young still to get an after-school job? You can also try selling some crafts.

Are you going for a vacation or for school? Depending on why you are going (if it is educational or something similar), family members and friends might be willing to donate to your cause. For example, if this is an exchange program, let them know why you want to go, how it will benefit you, and how it will benefit the world, if you want. Then say that you understand that everyone is having financial crises at the moment, but even 5-10 pounds will be an enormous help. I've found that many times, family and friends want to help, but they presume that only large sums of money will do. This is not the case--it's amazing how quickly 5s, 10s, and 20s add up. Happy

Hope I helped! Happy

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Also, if you have a specific question about China, my brother lives there, and for a while he lived in Shanghai. I don't remember if he ever lived in Beijing or not. Anyway, hit me up if you have specific questions. He's not good at giving general advice, but can answer questions pretty effectively. Happy

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There are a couple of ways you could make money...

Some places may be more inclined to take you on now you're 14 so you could maybe get a part time job.

If you enjoy making crafts or art and stuff then you could always do that, even if it's a sideline to a job and sell things on etsy, folksy or ebay?

You could just sell things that you own that you don't want to. Old jewellry, any text books, clothes etc etc

That's all I've got atm... I can't give you advice on those places, I've never been there before but I hope it is a success, just remember to stay safe ;)

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Wash Cars, do yard work...if you have neighbors or family/friends who need help, offer your services cleaning house, doing laundry, running errands, etc.

Don't expect to be paid a lot, but work your butt off like you were being paid 100's and you'll earn a little respect and maybe a tip. Grown ups work hard for their cash and they don't like giving it away when they feel like the kid is being greedy, ungrateful, or whiny. Put your heart into what you're doing and really work hard. ;)

You can't say, I'll wash the dishes for 10 bucks, then do a half way job. Wash the dishes for 10, then make sure to dry them and put them away as well...then clean the counter tops off too. Your customer will be impressed and may refer you to a friend. ;)

Good luck!

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Lolly.Bot is right about selling stuff you don't use or wear anymore. WitchieRachie is right about asking friends and family to help out.
Combine the two ideas and have friends and family donate items they don't use anymore for a yard sale. Just be sure that everyone who donates understands that the money earned goes to you, and they won't get unsold items back. (You could save unsold items for another sale later, or donate them to charity)
Dessah is right about doing extra chores for some cash. Work hard! You could also work out an hourly rate for chores or babysitting.

I say make a special bank for your "China Earnings". At 14, I was always tempted to spend my money on silly things if it was just in my purse. When it was in my piggy bank, I would forget how much I had saved and was always happily surprised when I counted it all.

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There are lots of opportunities to earn money. If your good with kids, you can babysit kids in your neighborhood. Also, if your neighbors are away and have pets you can offer to dog/cat sit them while they are away, or you can house sit(water plants, dust, etc.). Also, neighborhood poop scooping and lawn mowing/weed pulling buisnesses are great in the summertime! Also, you can always ask your parents for extra chores around the house for quick extra cash. Also, if you're crafty, you can sell your art on Etsy, or do a lemonade stand art style Happy Hope this helps!

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Thanks guys - all of those are really good options, I was thinking I could get a box of stuff together to sell at the car boot one weekend? House sitting sounds like a good idea, maybe i can do that more in the summer though when more people go away? I'm definately going to put the China money in a seperate pot - thanks StarLeigh.
To *Witchy Rachie* it's a school trip but it's not an exchange program, although we are spending three days in a school there. No definate questions just yet, might need something answering later on though so thanks!
I think I'll try car-washing/lawn mowing aswell, thanks to everyone who put that.
Selling crafts seems like a good plan, my friends are always really nice about my stuff (whether that's genuine or jsut politeness I'm not sure lol!)How do you lot go about selling stuff?
Thanks everyone!

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when in beijing, keep a tight grip on your bag. uhm, sometimes you have to pay to use a toilet. and there are a lot of people there. i mean A LOT.

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Thanks Em, i think the people thing is going to be a shock, I only live in a small town.

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You could sell things on ebay, or at first, to see if there is any interest. That's what I am doing.
Then you could branch out to craft faires and things like that :3

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I would have to sell on Folksy i think, but i think it's very similar. How do you go about setting it up? What do you think out of my projects I could sell?
And how do I get into doing craft fairs etc. I've been to a couple as a customer but I'm not sure how to go about selling my stuff?

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Oh and I'm now 15 - if that opens up any more opportunities Happy

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You can get a work permit through your school's guidance office if you are in the US to work at a grocery store or a fast food joint. You are a good age to start babysitting or helping out neighbors with odds and ends like yard work, snow removal and things like that.

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im from the US so im not good with conversions but dogsitting rlly helps =)

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