Rating projects and how to's

Ive seen this mentioned on CO+K before. and i think it would be a really useful idea. to be able to rate people projects and how to's, for example out of 10 (with buttons or stars or something cute).
then when you search through a perticular type of craft, the highest rated items would show up first.

Anyone else think this would be a good idea?

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6 replies since 15th April 2013 • Last reply 15th April 2013

That would be a nice idea i agree too but i wonder how Cat will choose a superstar or to feature the projects.

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I personally prefer the system of favouriting items. I think a ratings system could be open to misuse and trolls.

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misuse and trolls possibly. i would like to think they would have better things to corrupt than a crafting site full of lovely peoples crafts.

i find with the favouriting system, i find it hard to find the projects i like the best when i favourite everything i like. but if they had some way of ordering how much i liked them, that could make it easier. possibly.

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Hm..that is also true though. I mean b rating system there could be sections of the ratings and it migh help to find projects without much difficulty

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I would like to see a system that rates how useful a how-to is, I'm really fed up of the 'how-to' projects created that have one step which is of no use what so ever. It would make it much easier to search for how-tos and would probably help people improve their how-to writing skills Happy

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Hey Josaurus, have you tried using lists to organize your favorites?

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