More Giveaways for Other Countries?

Does anybody else wish that there were more giveaways open to all countries? It seems like most of the giveaways are only for those living in the United Kingdom, and I just kind of wish other people had a larger opportunity to win something. I especially feel bad for those who live in small countries because they almost never have a chance to enter. Does anyone else feel this way?

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3 replies since 3rd February 2013 • Last reply 3rd February 2013

I live in the UK and most of the giveaways I want to enter are USA only Happy
I think it's something to do with the companies offering the prizes for the giveaways, since they're doing it for nothing it makes sense they wouldn't want to fork out for hefty international shipping costs.

It is something that would be nice if it was worldwide, but I don't think CO+K have much of a say in it Happy

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Vicky Ninja: Yeah, I agree that it probably just has to do with what companies offer prizes and where it's cheap enough to ship those prizes too. I just feel bad for all of the people who can't enter. Oh well, there's not much anyone can do about that.

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Hey guys,

You're right that we're limited to where the companies are able to ship prizes and some prizes, such as the cake pop makers have different voltages, so need to be restricted. We made sure to have a nice mix of US only, UK only and worldwide prizes in our Secret Santa competition and always try to make sure our book giveaways are a nice mix each week. That's the problem with running such an international site but it is something we're aware of though and will keep trying to fine more and more worldwide sponsors!

Crafterella Happy

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