
I didn't actually know where to put this question but I figure since I'm having such an issue with it, it should go under the issues and rants category. So how do you add pictures to your comments and topics and stuff like that...I'm yound and naive to computer stuff

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7 replies since 12th February 2008 • Last reply 12th February 2008

Go to a place like PhotoBucket (search it through google) and make an account, up load pictures off your computer from there. It will give you and embedded code, copy that and paste it into your comment book. I hope that makes sense.

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yeah photobucket's really good, just upload, resize the photo(use the edit button) and copy and paste!
-for future notice you can post this sort of thing on the Suggestions, New features and Problems board, it's the vey last board

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I just answered this question in your Nylon Cable ties bit, hehe

You post pictures by putting the picture URL inbetween (but without the spaces. for more help when you post a message you can just look to the right and see it there)

(you find the picture URL by right clicking on the picture, and if you use mozilla clicking 'Copy Link Location' or if you're on internet explorer going to Properties> and then highlighting the URL. )

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I actually forgot I posted this and it just sorta stumble through on my cable tie question. I'm like when the heck when did I post this! Still don't remember oh well Happy

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dude why is this on issues and rants AND suggestions, new features,problems! I don't even remember putting it here! I must be so tired Im wigging out

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It's been moved by Cat or Tom(I'm guessing) coz this is the board it's meant to be on

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lol I was a bit histerical that day

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